Thursday 6 December 2007

Malin Head To Close

STAFF at Malin Head Marine Rescue Centre say they derive no comfort from claims their workplace will be retained as a coast guard station.They believe at most, only two workers will keep their jobs under such a scheme with 16 more set to get the axe.The 18 workers were responding to Fianna Fáil Senator Cecilia Keaveney who stressed last week that Malin Head and its sister station in Valentia would not be closed or disposed of as Irish coast guard locations.She said there would be "no diminution in the quality of the emergency response capability on the west coast" though admitting "the precise nature of their long-term function has yet to be finalised". But the Malin Head staff told "Senator Keaveney's statement does not get away from the fact that if current plans are allowed to go ahead Malin Head and Valentia Coast Guard will close as rescue centres, resulting in a loss of sustainable jobs in Inishowen and Valentia Island.